
Monday, February 4, 2013

Easter, Christmas & Valentine's Day

The four chickens have been so good laying, 90 eggs between them last month! Just like an Easter egg hunt, how many eggs will we find today?

So what do you do with all the eggs you ask? (I'm beginning to think the eggs are kinda like zucchinis, when your friends see you coming they run in fear that you are going to give the surplus to them.) I've been trying all kinds of recipes that use lots of eggs.

Deb's Simply Yummy Brownies I think have been by far the favorite. Simple, quick, and oh so yummy!

To balance all the sweets that seem to be all around this month, LOVE our Bountiful Baskets we order every two weeks. So much fun! Reminds me of the excitement and anticipation on Christmas morning. What will we get this time?

I just adore vintage Valentines.

 So sweet.  So cute. So fun. So Happy Valentine's Day.


This is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you.
John 15:12

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